Things Chess players can learn from 2 year old baby
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Amazing Things Chess Players Can Learn from a 2 year old baby!
Recently I came across a two-year-old child and after observing his daily activities, I was amazed at what we can learn from him.
Here is the list of practical tips, that I learned from the baby.
Chess playing is a habit that will not be easy to quit.
Because, apart from playing in tournaments, you can also play online with other players, not only from your country but the entire World.
Being a chess player is in itself a big achievement, because very few people in the world have the playing acumen and skill needed for Chess.
You can learn the tactics of Chess from your daily life activities like when watching TV or watching movies; all it needs, is just a keen sense of observation, that is!
- Have you read – From the Chess Coach’s perspective?
6 Things Chess players can learn from 2 year old baby
1. Never complain.
Have you ever observed a two-year-old child going about his daily routines?
If anything, he’ll never complain. Wait… you’ll say, a baby could cry – but that is not complaining!
He is only expressing his emotions by either laughing or crying.
The same concept we can apply, in our chess growth process, – that is – we can take all our responsibilities for our losses (and wins) on our shoulders.
So that we never complain about any shortcomings or bad luck, for lack of success in Chess.
Friends, no one will spoon-feed you, even a good coach will not want to do this – he will and must, guide you.
The rest is your work.
2. Just One Target.
A two-year-old child has just one target – once he/she asks for anything, Then come what may – that ‘anything’ is the main desire for him.
When you started playing chess, what was your target and your dream?
Remember that, all the time.
There is an Indian mythological tale in the Mahabharata (revered lore in Indian tradition).
When the famous teacher Guru Dronacharaya asked his best disciple Arjuna, what he had seen when he ordered him to attack the target with his arrow.
Arjuna answered coolly – “The only thing I see is the sparrow’s eye”.
The same thing is also applicable to our chess pursuits – single-minded focus.
Have you ever wanted something desperately and after some time, not so much?
When Priorities and Desires Change.
3. Attached to the Mother.
A child has the greatest bond with his/her Mother, if he/she can feel her touch or her voice, then he is at peace.
The same affection will have to be there for your Chess training!
Yes, you have to love the game if you want to succeed in your Chess.
Chess is all about dedication and passion. And the only person to succeed in this is the one with the passion, minus the stress.
- Are you a big fan of Vishy Anand and Magnus Carlsen? Then read – Learning from Chess Champions and World Chess Championships
4. Fixed schedule.
A child has a fixed time for getting up early in the morning, taking food at a fixed time, and then sleeping at a fixed time.
If you don’t have time for your chess training, then you won’t make any progress, which you were thinking at the start of learning chess.
This is all about doing the same thing daily – and – finally one day you become an expert in any field.
There is one good saying – “to become an expert in any field you need to put in just 10000 hours of intense practice”.
Do it daily and see the leap in your performance after 6 months.
5. One baby step at a time.
Have you noticed how a child is always living in the present moment? Babies demonstrate remarkable persistence when learning new skills.
Like crawling or walking. Likewise, chess players can learn to persevere through tough games, setbacks, and challenging positions, developing resilience along the way.
The child only takes one small baby step at a time and does not crave immediate success in whatever he wants.
If he observes a toy at the far end of the room, he does not run.
He takes whatever is possible in small steps towards that toy, and goes with a one-minded focus.
Babies learn by trial and error, repeatedly trying until they succeed. Chess players can adopt this mindset, especially in analyzing games, learning from losses, and refining strategies through experimentation.
That is how we must be in our chess preparation and training.
Small steps are needed daily.
Science has proved that anything done daily for 21 days in a row becomes a habit, and if you start small it is easier to create a habit.
- Do you know about the milestones in chess?
6. No Worries, no Tensions.
A child doesn’t have anything to worry about. Like when to eat or how to eat, etc.
You should also not have any worries about whether you can achieve mastery or not.
At Golden Chess Centre, we ask parents and the students, not to look at the results.
Babies are fully present in whatever they’re doing. Similarly, chess players can benefit from focusing entirely on the current position on the board, without getting distracted by past mistakes or future possibilities.
The game quality, is what the coach looks into, not the match points.
Results will improve automatically if the quality of your game improves.
And looking at results will only add up to the pressure.
In Chess, results depend on just one last mistake and if the student keeps training persistently in a disciplined way, even that mistake will be removed by sheer dint of hard work.
Let not success excite you, or failure pull you down.
The Amazing Things Chess players can learn from 2 year old baby are worth keeping in your mind.
When the players see that they are not able to win a particular opponent then they go into a QUITTING mindset. Quitting is a very easy thing. But principle motto of life says – “WINNERS NEVER QUIT AND QUITTERS NEVER WIN.”
Golden Chess Centre conducts regular training sessions for dedicated and upcoming chess players in Nanganallur, Madipakkam, Adambakkam, Moovarasampet, Kilkattalai, Kovilambakkam, Puzhuthivakkam, Ullagaram and Pazhavanthangal – Chennai,
There are online sessions for serious chess players who live out of Chennai and if you need to join one, please click here.
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