Correct Attitude to Learning chess | 5 Tips to success

Correct Attitude to Learning chess | 5 Tips to success

Correct Attitude to Learning chess (making it rewarding and enjoyable) 

“You can lead a horse to a river, but you cannot make it to drink”
Correct Attitude to Learning chess

Correct Attitude to Learning chess

Let us look at the Correct Attitude to Learning chess (making it rewarding and enjoyable). When I learned to play this game I was taught to be polite and courteous. The players I played did have a meltdown if the results went south, but they never lost their cool.
Nowadays, there is a lot of offensive, cranky nervous response, which may just be a generation-gap behavior, but is frustrating for those of us who learned this game in those times – when there was no social media influence and the impact of adrenalin-rush movies. 
It becomes even more disturbing when I see my new online chess students getting frustrated (to put it mildly). Also, it seems more pronounced from the Western World kids – Ed 
My personal observation, after over two decades of chess training experience, is that there should be no place for pride and taunting or overly depressing feelings because of the results.
Our approach towards our games, whether they be training games or a real chess tournament, dictates whether we end up shaky and down – or – positive and happy – while learning and savoring the game at the same time. That is why chess learning for beginners is a delicate process for both the coach and the budding chess players.
Maybe that’s because back then, we enjoyed the classes, thanks to our majority of the fantastic teachers, or we had a good bunch of friends to be spending time with, within a class or outside. Chess learning for beginners was a fun project for us coaches.
So does that mean that nowadays, chess learning for beginners and advanced players has changed direction? Or could there be other factors and external influences, like social media and screen devices, that are distracting the chess learning experience? I guess it is true to some extent. But it was also something more than that. 
It was that the academy had nurtured a culture of respect for learning environments, a culture where even if a child lost a chess game or seemed sad, she/he was never taunted or disrespected.
All this was done with subtle monitoring by the Teachers and the trainers. Of course, there was healthy criticism involved here too.
Understanding this influence tells us something about how proper chess learning for beginners can be influenced.

By valuing children and their performance in chess and training regimen, the children slowly learn to value their own work and themselves (self-esteem).

Slowly, as chess kids entered higher levels, they matured and became independent and responsible for their own chess learning.
We, chess coaches, earned respect not because we were good instructors but because of what motivation we gave.
The chess kids learned not to glorify one player over another, whether in chess or scholastic. Every chess kid in the chess academy is important, and good results in chess are as much looked upon as in scholastic. 
They learned to question their games, their lessons, and other players’ chess games, and also defended their points for such scrutiny.
Eventually, it came to taking responsibility for all their actions.

Chess Lessons, meant for me, will not be learned by everyone in equal measure because of plenty of circumstantial factors that affect how much each individual learns. But those who take away these essentials are those who will find it easier, to progress everywhere. 
Academies and coaches that foster such learning are a rarity. But it helps to recognize what these factors are so we can help cultivate them even outside the school.

What is the Correct Attitude to Learning chess from a coach’s perspective?


Correct Attitude to Learning chess

Here are tips for us all – whether we are chess coaches or parents of chess players or merely chess aficionados.

1 Try not to involve your EGO.

My chess lessons and methods are evolving every day.

I tell my chess students to play with a Correct Attitude to Learning chess, one that is devoid of ego.

After all, we will not become chess grandmasters overnight.
Sometimes we will win – and feel good about it – but we will also lose, to stronger players and spend most of the time sulking about it.

There are Zen lessons to be applied here.

2. Focus on chess learning as a fun experience than a chore.

Our aim as chess learners should be to have a correct Attitude to Learning chess – To treat a game as a test of understanding of chess, not an anxiety exercise in keeping up the ball-park of performance at a high level.

3. To search for truth in every position.

Every move is theoretically a test of our decision-making abilities, some more important than others, and whoever is more composed, will make the sound decisions and win the game.

During chess learning for beginners, questions like –

  • Should I exchange my Bishop with my opponent’s knight at f6 or not?
  • Should I play the obvious looking move or do a forcing calculation before choosing the right line?
  • Should I convert into an endgame or keep the pieces on board for favorable times?

will arise and confuse the chess kids, and for me, this is an enjoyable experience, irrespective of the result.

4. Every loss is a lesson. Learn from it.

When results are going south, I look at which moves and decisions were right and wrong, and how they can be used for future scenarios by my students.

The next time when they face a similar situation on the chessboard, the chess lessons that they have learned previously will provide the right guidance.

This is a very pleasurable and fulfilling experience for both me as a chess coach and my chess kids!

Never worry about chess ratings. I tell my students to not look at them. Those are just numbers – like shadows, they too will always follow our consistent performance’s upward graph.

5. Never blame anyone for your losses

As long as we continue blaming external reasons (or other people) not to learn eg: boring teachers, complicated textbooks, faulty assessment methods, school infrastructure is bad, etc., learning will always elude us.

What we need to have is a Correct Attitude to Learning chess – a small paradigm-shift,  reduce the importance to our egos, and then the learning will be fun.

Lessons I learned

chess learning for beginners

I am enjoying giving online chess lessons much more when I am devoid of any ego while playing with my students.

Developing an attitude of meditation throughout the game has made me what I am – a learner. 

Hopefully providing lifelong satisfaction in this game. These are perhaps the biggest lessons learned by me.


About the Author

Correct Attitude to Learning chess by KishHey, I’m Kish Kumar.

Over the last two decades, I’ve trained more than 500 students in chess, from India and abroad through online chess classes.

My experience helps me to identify the weak spots in the student’s chess armor, and that is where I provide help in making them reach their personal Milestones in chess with the Correct Attitude to Learning chess.

Many of these students went on to become school champions, district champions, state champions and went on to participate in national and international level chess events having achieved a decent FIDE rating up to 1900-2000 and an online rating of 2300 to 2500.

If you are interested in learning chess, do drop me a mail at kishchess at Gmail dot com or WhatsApp (+91 98410 70891)

To know more about my chess lessons, click here.

3 Important Questions To Ask Before a Chess Move

3 Important Questions To Ask Before a Chess Move

3 Crucial Questions To Ask Before Every Chess Move

3 Important Questions To Ask Before a Chess Move

What are the questions that come into the minds of chess players as they reach out to move a chess piece?

Asking yourself the correct questions at the appropriate time helps to eliminate blunders and improve your chess game.

One of the key factors which differentiate a strong player and a beginner is in asking these questions in the mind.

Mere awareness of this way of thinking is the first and simplest step.

The next step is to practice these questions while in a training match – at every turn.

Regular practice of these questions will definitely slow your game down but is one major factor in getting better at the chess game.

Let us get to the questions.

These questions are only a small ready-reckoner chess hack guide – along with the regular questions that you will be asking.

Before moving the Queen

is the timing correct? In other words, have the minor pieces all been developed?

Is the direction correct which means the side of the board that I am launching the attack?

Can my opponent attack the Queen easily and gain free tempo or tempi?


Before moving the Rook

Is the Rook moving towards an open file?

Is it possible to move the Rook to the seventh rank?

Is my Rook behind the passed pawn (if there is a passed pawn)?


Before moving the Bishop

Is my Bishop moving into an open diagonal?

Is my Bishop controlling a lot of squares?

Is my Bishop performing the role of a good Bishop or a bad Bishop?


Before moving the Knight

Is there the possibility of a Knight fork (Double attack)

Can my Knight return safely from enemy territory?

Did I calculate two moves ahead for my Knight?


Before moving the Pawn

Am I moving to a safe square where it cannot be captured? 

What new squares I am controlling, and what old squares have lost control of?

Is there a possibility to create a passed pawn?


Before moving the King

Is my King safe?

Is my King going towards the center in the endgame phase?

Is the King move legal? 


What is the purpose of these 3 Questions To Ask Before a Chess Move?

This is a set of basic questions that need to be asked by beginners, especially kids, to hone their thinking skills in their chess game.

Thinking techniques can be simple like this one or complex as you progress in chess.

But these basic questions will guide you while you are clueless as a beginner, for a long time to come.

How does it help?

Many chess players are clueless about the choice of moves to be made.

Here at Golden Chess Centre, we conduct online chess classes with an emphasis on simple techniques – like the one in this article – to understand the choice of best moves that need to be considered.

And taking responsibility for the moves teaches them to become more conscious while in the early stages of their Chess career.

This is the necessary trait seen in almost all growing chess players.

This helps in reducing errors and thereby improving the games.

Will the knowledge of the Questions To Ask Before a Chess Move help me?


It is mainly geared towards younger students who can’t understand too much of the theory.

For the children, all that needs to be shown is the systematic approach in breaking down the unknown elements into smaller parts.

Once they master this form of deliberate thinking they will cross over to the next level sooner than before.

And in my experience (of two decades) I can say that those students who take the initial effort is not just knowing the (Questions To Ask Before a Chess Move) method, but use them consciously, make huge jumps in their chess prowess. 

Other useful links:

Psychology of Chess Weaknesses | 4 Easy Hacks

Correct Attitude to Learning chess | 5 Tips to success

Chess and Zen – Wonder what is similar? Read till the end!

Online Chess Classes – Golden Chess Centre



Breaking into the top – 4 Qualities that Super Achievers have

Breaking into the top – 4 Qualities that Super Achievers have

Breaking into the top


Chess is mainly about confidence. Contrary to what people think – Knowledge is not power – at least in chess. Self-confidence is the real power needed for Breaking into the top.

Have you seen the strong chess players keeping calm, despite all the turmoil happening at the chessboard?

Well, if you noticed, they are exuding a confident approach to the position and also seem to enjoy it.

How is the super-achievers Breaking into the top of their chess categories?

Here is my take on this question. Having two decades of chess training and teaching online chess lessons to smart kids I think I see something common in all the bright lights.

4 Qualities that Super Achievers have

1. Regular and daily practice.

Self-confidence is a by-product of regular practice.

I am not talking about the Super GMs who are at the very top – but my interest is in my students, who are dedicated to climbing the chess ladder of their category. Even if the position on the chessboard is not encouraging, they will not give up without a fight.

They have experienced, how lost positions can be salvaged by sheer tenacity. That experience in the training regimen will serve them the required confidence.

Have you read our other article – Willpower tips for the Chess Students

2. No distractions from the goals.

We call ourselves Generation X but these Post-millennial kids are much sharper and stronger than us!

I can understand the difficulties in the past when there were no proper resources to help us in our chess learning. Nowadays we can get almost any information in a jiffy. BUT, there is also a drawback in this age of unabashed googling, and that is – everything seems confusing and distracting.

If all the information was presented in a properly structured format, customized to the understanding levels of the aspirants, then it is a blessing in disguise. 

All this is happening due to the plethora of learning options available, to these kids. Whether it is in getting a decent game to play every day with their peers or to learn chess online every other day with their coaches who may be living on the other side of the world, they are blessed with choices!

3. Physical exercise and Stamina

You must be thinking, they don’t complete a hectic training session every day. It can just as well be walking, low-impact weight lifting, Tai Chi, or Yoga. The keynote here is not the type of physical exercise, but the idea to treat our bodies and minds like a temple to worship.

Whereas average people tend to take care of their physical health only when they have a small jolt, super-achievers have it as one of their top priorities. 

Let’s take Barack Obama as an example. Do you know how his day starts?

It begins with exercise, of course.

So does that allow you to have an excuse? If the President of the USA has time to exercise daily, why not you?

4. Show eagerness to learn either in online chess lessons or sparring sessions

In my two decades of chess coaching experience, I have noticed that the super-achievers I have coached in my online chess lessons have some things in common – they are eager, fascinated, almost voracious learners.

These people are not just learning in my chess classes and tournaments. They look at every problem, every test, every impediment, as an opportunity to learn more and improvise.

They prioritize time for personal leisure, other classes, chess coaching, and reading relevant chess material. No wonder they are Breaking into the top of whatever they endeavor.

The days we spend without learning anything new, are the days that go wasted.

Make me a scientist of the commonplace puzzling over the mystery of daily stuff, wordlessly probing for the Great Mystery,
the Mother of wonders and the awesome.

— Edward Hays in The Book of Wonders

These kids spend a lot of time honing their skills and they come out with positive results. And even if they don’t get success now, they know it is not going to be long before they succeed.

While teaching online chess lessons, I have noticed that the main ingredient for chess improvement, is a natural curiosity that kids have for understanding the unknown. My students get to appreciate the finer aspects when I mix the game lesson with practical real-world stories.

After all who doesn’t like stories?

Is there a reason why Chess is booming?

Very simple. Lots of resources are available now as compared to two decades ago. No wonder, the age threshold of Grandmasters-in-the-making is going lower and lower, every day.

Interested in online chess lessons?

Here at Golden Chess Centre, we are committed to making the benefits of chess, accessible to all.

If you are interested in learning Chess online during this lockdown period, please tell us your chess goals, and an email to us will be all that it takes.

Sometimes our best lessons in chess, lie in the lost games. We can analyze these games and improve our understanding. Things like what knowledge we need to attain, what skill we need to tune better, to improve our chess game.

You decide how to apply your past learning experience, to either avoid another defeat or to find the results you strive for Breaking into the top.

Let’s analyze your strengths and weaknesses, and come up with a specific plan to take your game to a new level and open your vision to new possibilities… and enjoy it, even more!

FYI We use Zoom, Google, or Skype and our customized training portal with practice assignments for the energetic learner! 


9 EASY Steps to Online Chess Classes – Golden Chess Centre

9 EASY Steps to Online Chess Classes – Golden Chess Centre

9 EASY Steps to Online Chess Classes – Golden Chess Centre

Virtual Chess Room for Training and Playing online for our students who are staying indoors!

We are pleased to announce online chess classes for all students globally, above 5 years of age. For those outside India, you will have to register for a demo session first. After the demo class, we will design the schedule and pace of the class especially reflecting the speed and comfort.

Our chess academy classes are now ONLINE Chess Classes!

Online Chess Classes


We are forced to stay inside our homes as a precautionary measure due to the coronavirus outbreak. Whether we like it or not this is the new normal.

Given the number of requests we’ve had for virtual chess classes (as an alternative to our academy direct classes), we have arranged all our training resources in one place for you. Online.

Many of you who were not having time due to the schools’ exams, would like to take this break as a time to train harder.

Also, to avoid boredom and negativity or simply to prepare for a tournament, let’s go online!

Why Online chess classes are the craze nowadays?

Online Chess classes are a fun, rewarding, and engaging experience for kids to learn chess in a focused virtual classroom setting.

We will work with the students to develop their chess knowledge and skill, and this in turn helps develop an understanding of the real world and learn relevant lessons through their efforts.

An emphasis on understanding before acting‘’ is at the core of what we do at Golden Chess Centre

Our students have a great time learning and building confidence and self-esteem by solving challenging scenarios and having a culture, that celebrates effort rather than just success.

Students will experience this value in all of our sessions as they learn chess and life skills, which will prepare them to excel in chess and life.

Chess classes are ranked around various levels of chess knowledge that develop students from the basics to an advanced understanding of the game of chess.

Online Chess Classes

Tech-savvy Kids


We believe in quality over quantity.

We highly recommend parents to sit along with and attend the online chess classes for kids, especially if the child is lesser than 7 years of age.

This way they will be there as a support system and also provide family involvement.

Family participation is very important to inculcate the seriousness of their endeavours in children.

We want to make sure the students have a great support system with their families at home.

What is the procedure for Online Chess Classes?

Please read the below points and let us know if you have any doubts.

Preliminary technical requirements for the online chess class:

1. Internet connection with decent speed (even Mobile hotspot will suffice)

2. Laptop or PC or even a Mobile

3. Headset or earphone recommended.

Software requirements for the online chess class:

4. Skype with ID (preferable with the child’s name). You can install Skype on your mobile too. It is advisable to take a test call with us, before registering for the online chess class.

5. Please use Chrome Browser to access our Training Portal. Our portal works well with Microsoft Edge too.

How does the online chess class work?

6. We will fix the online chess class schedule, by prior agreement, on WhatsApp or email.

7. The student must be logged in to our training portal and Skype, at the time given.

8. We will start the online chess class, once the student is online – both in the portal and skype.

9. Our Coaches will teach the concepts where needed, using visual and audio feedback on the screen.

Structure of the online chess classes

The chess classes for kids are usually divided into three major parts.

A theoretical part where we talk about

  1. Tactical themes and chess strategy,
  2. Practice time for students to solve Chess puzzles,
  3. Play training games.

We will be conducting internal competitions and tournaments, at regular intervals. 

The frequency of these classes will depend on the age and level of the children.

Tournament Chess Set Triple Weighted – 100% satisfied!

Online Chess Classes

If any doubts need to be clarified regarding the chess classes for kids, please feel free to call us or drop an email!

Our WhatsApp Number is 9841070891

Our Gmail is kishchess at Gmail dot com

Milestones in Chess and 9 Important Tips on how to achieve them

Milestones in Chess and 9 Important Tips on how to achieve them

Milestones in Chess


In this article, I am discussing the Milestones in Chess and what are the obstacles in reaching them – a thought that came to my mind one lazy afternoon. We all know that Rome was not built in a day. The same applies to chess achievements. One brick at a time and the chess expertise is built. We all know that going slow and steady is what it takes to reach a milestone.

What are the Milestones in Chess, the prerequisites, and more importantly, how to sustain our motivation and achieve them eventually?

Some important Milestones in Chess are:

  1. Grandmaster Title
  2. International Master
  3. Fide Master Title
  4. Candidate master and
  5. Fide Rating.

While striving to reach these milestones is desirable, understanding the way to approach these goals is more essential, to make the journey smooth and enjoyable. During my online chess classes, one of my students actually asked me about this and that made me think that I had never given a thought to it to date.


Milestones in chess


Heeded my words not, did you? Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery. But weakness…folly…failure, also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is. Luke…we are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all masters.” – Yoda’s Force spirit to Luke Skywalker

How do we reach (and cross) the general and personal Milestones in Chess?

What are the ingredients that make up for a successful accomplishment? How can we maintain the momentum that we had when we first started?

What I really believe in, is the idea that a real journey is no different from an inner one.  

Where there is fun, merriment, and company, the journey becomes less tedious and appears less time-consuming.

Here are my personal tips to help my students achieve and enjoy chess pursuits.

  1. So the first step is to make sure that you are passionate about this = Deeply passionate.

By that, I mean that your whole day must be engrossed in this single passion. You can relax but at the end of the day if you did not dwell in your pursuit of chess goals, then it is not an earnest endeavor.

You are not channeling your inner force. This inner force will push you in the proper direction. Always.

The force that was referred to by the Star Wars Jedi Master in the very famous line – “May the force be with you”.

To live with this passion in the back of your mind, will create that inner impetus to work on the daily practice. This was and is still the driving force for me.

Back then when I first started as a chess player in the ’90s – and now as a chess coach – whenever I am doing other things non-chess, I am always yearning to come back to my chess-zone.

  1. Form a group that shares your passion = Together we win.

Join a club or create an informal one, with like-minded friends if there is none! That way the energy levels will be sustained.

When I was an amateur, I used to invite a lot of chess friends to my place for long hours of study. And they helped me get back to shape, when my energy was low, due to some off-days. Those were the non-internet era.

That was actually a boon for me as, if I had not had these friends to push me up, I would have quit and stagnated, resigning to my fate.

Nowadays we have the groups formed automatically when we are taking online chess classes – if not the coach will help in this regard.

Even a family can sometimes become a group – if all of them are chess lovers!

  1. Teach someone = Moral responsibility.

Yes… it may be strange to hear but teaching someone will give you a sense of what you have understood fully and what you have only a superficial understanding of.

You will be morally responsible and that will bring sincerity to your efforts.

I gained a lot by teaching some younger players a few things about chess training software and in return, I was daily increasing my knowledge by conscious reinforcements and boosting my energy levels.

I was also subconsciously learning my future job!

Here, I tell my students to teach their parents or siblings, or grandparents whenever they have a chess aficionado in the family.

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask questions whether in online chess classes or casual sparring games = Fearlessness.

Sometimes a stronger player will take the pains to teach you something ONLY if you bother to ask.

Just try it.

I have met quite a few good souls who later on turned out to be good friends on my chess journey!

You can try it out in your club or during a tournament. I encourage my students in online chess classes and in my chess centers to have that camaraderie. Sometimes these friendships go beyond chess boundaries.

  1. Don’t be afraid of criticism = No Ego.

Sometimes players who are far younger or older than you will chide you for your game quality – take it in your stride.

Also read: Correct Attitude to Learning chess | 5 Tips to success

After all, that soul is giving you a free lesson! These nifty tips will be in your memory for a long time. I once remember how I had my first lesson not to be too overconfident when my Grunfeld defense was ripped apart by an elderly player.

For those of you who may be curious – he was non-other than the legendary late Mr. Dakshinamoorthy from Chennai (Theagaraya Nagar to be precise). He had since then taught me – and countless others like me – so many wonderful chess lessons, many of which were in silent communion, that I can never describe.

Maybe one day I will write about him.

  1. Spend some time doing self-study = Gaining momentum.

That is the most important tip I cannot stress enough.

Too many students of mine need to be weaned off the spoon-feeding that they undergo as beginners either in online chess classes or academy lessons.

When they reach a certain level they must be forced to study on their own for some time, daily.

This will give them a sense of achievement that will drive them to pursue their personal Milestones in chess.

A coach can only act as a battery charger. The ‘capacity of the battery’ is what you will be increasing, by engaging in dedicated self-study. It’s your privilege and responsibility for this life.

  1. Meditate daily. It is the hidden compass in your life that will constantly guide you on your path. Calm your mind and let the noise settle down. Undertake this on a daily basis. Now you will notice that you have clarity while working on your chess.
  1. Take a break, once a week. After all, you are the boss of your own practice. Give yourself a cheat day. Enjoy the view while traveling!
  1. Exercise regularly. While everyone knows that exercise is a good idea, the scientific evidence about its benefits in old age is there for all to see. Remember that Chess has to retirement age. So if you love chess you will be playing it for a long time to come and for that, you need to be healthy and fit.

I hope you liked this article. If you can do me a favor and spread the word.

Let us help chess players who are struggling to reach their personal milestones in chess.

I know because I was also once there in that plateau.

Author’s picks for further reading:

The Mind is much more powerful than you think 


About the Author

Kish Chess MasterHey, I’m Kish Kumar.

Over the last two decades, I’ve trained more than 500 students in chess, from India and abroad through online chess classes.

My experience helps me to identify the weak spots in the student’s chess armor, and that is where I provide help in making them reach their personal Milestones in chess.

Many of these students went on to become school champions, district champions, state champions and went on to participate in national and international level chess events having achieved a decent FIDE rating up to 1900-2000 and an online rating of 2300 to 2500.

If you want to take private lessons, do drop me a line at kishchess at Gmail dot com. To know more about online chess classes click here.