Breaking into the top – 4 Qualities that Super Achievers have

Breaking into the top – 4 Qualities that Super Achievers have

Breaking into the top


Chess is mainly about confidence. Contrary to what people think – Knowledge is not power – at least in chess. Self-confidence is the real power needed for Breaking into the top.

Have you seen the strong chess players keeping calm, despite all the turmoil happening at the chessboard?

Well, if you noticed, they are exuding a confident approach to the position and also seem to enjoy it.

How is the super-achievers Breaking into the top of their chess categories?

Here is my take on this question. Having two decades of chess training and teaching online chess lessons to smart kids I think I see something common in all the bright lights.

4 Qualities that Super Achievers have

1. Regular and daily practice.

Self-confidence is a by-product of regular practice.

I am not talking about the Super GMs who are at the very top – but my interest is in my students, who are dedicated to climbing the chess ladder of their category. Even if the position on the chessboard is not encouraging, they will not give up without a fight.

They have experienced, how lost positions can be salvaged by sheer tenacity. That experience in the training regimen will serve them the required confidence.

Have you read our other article – Willpower tips for the Chess Students

2. No distractions from the goals.

We call ourselves Generation X but these Post-millennial kids are much sharper and stronger than us!

I can understand the difficulties in the past when there were no proper resources to help us in our chess learning. Nowadays we can get almost any information in a jiffy. BUT, there is also a drawback in this age of unabashed googling, and that is – everything seems confusing and distracting.

If all the information was presented in a properly structured format, customized to the understanding levels of the aspirants, then it is a blessing in disguise. 

All this is happening due to the plethora of learning options available, to these kids. Whether it is in getting a decent game to play every day with their peers or to learn chess online every other day with their coaches who may be living on the other side of the world, they are blessed with choices!

3. Physical exercise and Stamina

You must be thinking, they don’t complete a hectic training session every day. It can just as well be walking, low-impact weight lifting, Tai Chi, or Yoga. The keynote here is not the type of physical exercise, but the idea to treat our bodies and minds like a temple to worship.

Whereas average people tend to take care of their physical health only when they have a small jolt, super-achievers have it as one of their top priorities. 

Let’s take Barack Obama as an example. Do you know how his day starts?

It begins with exercise, of course.

So does that allow you to have an excuse? If the President of the USA has time to exercise daily, why not you?

4. Show eagerness to learn either in online chess lessons or sparring sessions

In my two decades of chess coaching experience, I have noticed that the super-achievers I have coached in my online chess lessons have some things in common – they are eager, fascinated, almost voracious learners.

These people are not just learning in my chess classes and tournaments. They look at every problem, every test, every impediment, as an opportunity to learn more and improvise.

They prioritize time for personal leisure, other classes, chess coaching, and reading relevant chess material. No wonder they are Breaking into the top of whatever they endeavor.

The days we spend without learning anything new, are the days that go wasted.

Make me a scientist of the commonplace puzzling over the mystery of daily stuff, wordlessly probing for the Great Mystery,
the Mother of wonders and the awesome.

— Edward Hays in The Book of Wonders

These kids spend a lot of time honing their skills and they come out with positive results. And even if they don’t get success now, they know it is not going to be long before they succeed.

While teaching online chess lessons, I have noticed that the main ingredient for chess improvement, is a natural curiosity that kids have for understanding the unknown. My students get to appreciate the finer aspects when I mix the game lesson with practical real-world stories.

After all who doesn’t like stories?

Is there a reason why Chess is booming?

Very simple. Lots of resources are available now as compared to two decades ago. No wonder, the age threshold of Grandmasters-in-the-making is going lower and lower, every day.

Interested in online chess lessons?

Here at Golden Chess Centre, we are committed to making the benefits of chess, accessible to all.

If you are interested in learning Chess online during this lockdown period, please tell us your chess goals, and an email to us will be all that it takes.

Sometimes our best lessons in chess, lie in the lost games. We can analyze these games and improve our understanding. Things like what knowledge we need to attain, what skill we need to tune better, to improve our chess game.

You decide how to apply your past learning experience, to either avoid another defeat or to find the results you strive for Breaking into the top.

Let’s analyze your strengths and weaknesses, and come up with a specific plan to take your game to a new level and open your vision to new possibilities… and enjoy it, even more!

FYI We use Zoom, Google, or Skype and our customized training portal with practice assignments for the energetic learner!