4 chess learning resources. What should an intermediate chess player study to improve?

4 chess learning resources. What should an intermediate chess player study to improve?

Intermediate chess player study tips for improvement in chess – Part 1


intermediate chess player study

What to do when playing against a master?

Last week I received an email from an old student of mine asking me what next to study. He said – “Dear coach, I am stuck, and I’ve been thinking about taking your advice on what to do to improve my game. I have been going steadily from 800 to 1300 for the last 1.5 years, and now it’s been 6 months since I can raise my rating levels. Any resources or online chess classes for me to pursue?

Should I be worried that I am not doing something correctly?  And if that is the case, what am I doing wrong?”. 

I knew that like him many intermediate chess players were feeling lost in limbo land (and I was there some 20 years ago, so I know well enough what it’s like, with no proper guidance).

Who is this article for?

If your answer to the following questions –

  • Are you an upcoming intermediate-level chess player also wanting to improve at chess after being stuck?
  • Do you think that there is some vital information that you are missing in your chess training?
  • Are you feeling guilty about wasting your time reading books that are not helping you in any way or doing things that just seem to be a waste of your time?

Is YES, then the answer lies in – introspection and taking active steps.

And a new approach – Reading chess books with a chess coach.

Let me explain.

This post is for intermediate chess players who want to improve their chess skills to the next stage.

At this stage, most of the chess enthusiasts are on the verge of losing hopes of improvement.

Why does this happen?  Some of them simply do not want to do any more work as they think they have done enough.

However, most of them do not have proper guidance to quality chess manuals for the needed push to the next levels.

The big question for every intermediate chess player is what should an intermediate chess player study

Step 1 – Take stock of your chess knowledge, and what you should learn!

After acquainting yourself to the ideas of basic gameplay in your chess games, you must be now ready to understand how long-term factors actually dictate the outcome of chess games.

These areas are so vast that you must engage in all resources to move you forward in gaining chess knowledge.

If you cannot enlist the help of a chess coach through online chess classes (or direct classes), then you will need these resources to start with.

In my chess classes for intermediate and advanced players, I usually advise my students who are avid readers to read a particular book.


intermediate chess player study


However, since I do not know you (the reader) personally, I can only list some general evergreen resources for you to read and understand.

Take notes and mark what you think is important from these books.


intermediate chess player study

As an intermediate player, you can probably spot certain typical and basic tactics and defend against the same tactics.

Now it’s time to develop the positional side of your game for further advancement.

Here are some resources I would suggest going through if you are really serious about improving your positional chess knowledge. 

I had read them many years ago and found them very useful for greater clarity and understanding from my then existing levels.

I still refer to them to keep myself primed up. So this is a kind of going back to the basics approach for improvement.

* Intermediate chess player study resource #1

What should an intermediate chess player study to improve?

Click on the image to know more.

What should an intermediate chess player study to improve?

Click on the image to know more.

My System and Chess Praxis

both by Aron Nimzowitsch. Two great books by a great player.

These books take you through important themes of positional play.

The books give a concrete theory and give proof-of-concept demonstration games.

Though they are classic old school, the teachings still hold ground for the budding players.

I consider them a must for chess enthusiasts. I remember as a frustrated player having taken to these books like a fish to water.

Aron Nimzowitsch was an excellent writer and an elite master. If there was some book unanimously labelled as a classic this would come pretty close to it.

On a personal note, I found the Praxis book better in the long run, but that was only after I understood his ‘My System’ book.

You can use the Praxis book as a reference manual to better understand the concepts in the System as I did, or you can read the System book for now.

* Intermediate chess player study resource #2


What should an intermediate chess player study to improve?

Click on the image to know more.

What should an intermediate chess player study to improve?

Click on the image to know more.

Winning Chess Middlegames – An Essential Guide to Pawn Structures by Ivan Sokolov.

This one comes as a surprise for many when I suggest taking this book seriously.

In fact, I am myself guilty of having sidelined this book when I first bought it.

It was only when I read a few chapters that I discovered that it was a treasure trove of ideas in an area that is often neglected – viz pawn structures – doubled pawns, isolated pawns, hanging pawns and central pawn majorities.

I am sure you will find the study of this book is rewarding and will throw an added layer of understanding to your chess.

One small word of caution: the book is only about 1.d4 openings.

However, the ideas Sokolov explains are applicable to all openings than the ones used in this book. 

Chess Structures: A Grandmaster Guide by Mauricio Flores Rios – A new book that is exhaustive and is one of the best for explaining many pawn structure-based themes and plans.

A companion to the Sokolov book, a blog about the book, Mauricio Flores is including recent (or old) games where you can see how the theory of the book are applied, and how even sometimes Grandmasters don’t find the best option – read his blog 

* Intermediate chess player study resource #3 –

What should an intermediate chess player study to improve?How Purdy Won: 1st World Champion of Correspondence Chess – Purdy is among the best chess writers I have read at par with the likes of Dan Heisman or Irving Chernev (for beginners and intermediates).

When I first heard his name I thought Purdy… who?

And that is because his books are now quite old and almost forgotten.

But he writes in an easy to read and understand format and his annotations are easy to follow – he writes for the casual player who wants to improve.

The reason I singled this book out is that it covers basic theory and examples of openings, middle games, and end games.

However, if you are lingering in the 1350-1400 range try attempting this book by the same author – The Search for Chess Perfection.

The reason is that he discusses in detail his thinking technique which is akin to Silman’s techniques. 

Purdy’s passion and dedication to chess are seen in his writings.

Very few authors can explain the concepts in layman terms.

And most importantly, Purdy’s writing style is so enjoyable, that it can be visited again and again; this helps to reinforce his teachings. 

Trust me, you will not be disappointed.

And what better way to learn about chess truth than a Correspondence Chess Champion?

  • I suggest reading his other books too. For a detailed listing look here at Amazon.

* Intermediate chess player study resource #4

What should an intermediate chess player study to improve?

How to Reassess Your Chess: Chess Mastery Through Chess Imbalances.

What should an intermediate chess player study to improve?

Reassess Your Chess Workbook.


Both these by Jeremy Silman are worth their weight in gold.

The reason I am suggesting an intermediate chess player study both books is that they are connected in terms of teaching the concept and reinforcing them.

However, if you intend to buy only one I would suggest  –  How to Reassess Your Chess: Chess Mastery Through Chess Imbalances (though I am sure you will get the other books after reading this one).

There is one caveat though – if initially, you feel that he is way above your head despair not.

Do a re-run, and you will see that he sinks in slowly.

And one more caution – Don’t play blitz while reading these books – you will almost always lose on time as your mind grapples with Silmanesque techniques – that is what Silman does to the reader!

So do not worry about the stagnation and what an intermediate chess player study regimen is all about.

When you are happy doing something without worrying about the result, then this is a moment of celebration.

As usual comments and feedback are welcome. Please let me know if you found the suggestions useful!

When not playing or teaching chess at Golden Chess Centre, the author Kish Kumar spends time playing with Hazel and Jia (Labrador Retrievers)! Contact him on his Facebook page.

Interested in online chess classes?

Golden Chess Centre conducts regular online chess classes for beginners, intermediates and advanced level players and direct chess classes for upcoming chess players in Nanganallur, Madipakkam, Adambakkam, Moovarasampet, Kilkattalai, Kovilambakkam, Puzhuthivakkam, Ullagaram and Pazhavanthangal – Chennai 

Get in touch to know more, in case you are interested!

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Chess and Zen – Wonder what is similar? Read till the end!

Chess and Zen – Wonder what is similar? Read till the end!

Chess and Zen

Chess and Zen

Last night I read this parable on Chess and meditation as told by Osho. A young man, who had a bitter disappointment in life, went to a remote monastery and said to the Master, ”I am disillusioned with life and wish to attain enlightenment to be freed from these sufferings. But I have no capacity for sticking long at anything. I could never do long years of meditation and study and austerity. I would relapse and be drawn back to the world again, painful though I know it to be. Is there any short way for people like me?”

”There is,” said the Master, ”if you are really determined. Tell me, what have you studied? What have you concentrated on most in your life?”
”Why, nothing really. We were rich and I did not have to work. I suppose the thing I was really interested in was chess; I spent most of my time at that.”
The Master thought for a moment and then said to his attendant, ”Call such-and-such a monk, and tell him to bring a chessboard and men.”
But the attendant said, ”Sir, that monk does not know how to play chess.”
The Master said, ”Don’t be worried. You simply call him.”


The monk came with the board and the Master set up the men. He sent for a sword and showed it to the two. ”Oh monk,” he said, ”you have vowed obedience to me as your Master, and now I require it of you. You will play a game of chess with this youth, and if you lose I shall cut off your head with this sword.”

Chess and meditation – the story continues.

And the monk does not know much about chess. Maybe he can recognize the chessboard, or maybe he has played once or twice when he was young. But to put this man against this young, rich man, who has never done anything but play chess, is simply a death warrant. And then the Master says, ”You have surrendered to me, and you have told me I can do anything I want with your life or with your death. Now the moment has come. If you lose I shall cut off your head with this sword.”

And a naked sword is there in the hands of the Master, and he is standing just close by. ”But I promise that if you die by my hand, you will be born in paradise. If you win, I shall cut off the head of this man. Chess is the only thing he has ever tried hard at, and if he loses he deserves to lose his head also.” They looked at the Master’s face and saw that he meant it: he would cut off the head of the loser.

They began to play. With the opening moves, the youth felt the sweat trickling down to his heels as he played for his life. The chessboard became the whole world; he was entirely concentrated on it. At first, he had somewhat the worst of it, but then the other made an inferior move and he seized his chance to launch a strong attack. As his opponent’s position crumbled, he looked covertly at him. He saw a face of intelligence and sincerity, worn with years of austerity and effort.
The other was a beggar – a BHIKKHU – his eyes were silent and calm. He was not disturbed even by the idea of death. He was playing because of the Master’s request, and he had surrendered himself so there was no problem in it. Even if paradise were not promised, then too, he would have to follow. He was playing calm and quiet. His eyes were very silent and very intelligent – and the young man is winning! and the monk’s moves are going all wrong! The young man looked at the monk – the grace, the austerity, the beauty, the silence, the intelligence.

Chess and Zen = Chess and meditation

He thought of his own worthless life, and a wave of compassion came over him. He decided: ”To let this man die is unnecessary. If I die, nothing is lost to the earth. I am a stupid man, I have wasted my life, I have nothing. This man has worked hard, disciplined his life, has lived a life of austerity, a life of meditation, and prayer. If he is killed that will be a loss.” Great compassion arose in him. He deliberately made a blunder and then another blunder, ruining his position and leaving himself defenseless.

The Master suddenly leaned forward and upset the board. The two contestants sat stupefied. ”There is no winner and no loser,” said the Master slowly. ”There is no need to fall here. Only two things are required, ” and he turned to the young man, ”complete concentration and compassion. You have today learned them both. You were completely concentrated on the game, but then in that concentration, you could feel compassion, and sacrifice your life for it. Now, stay here a few months and pursue our training in this spirit and your enlightenment is sure. He did so and got it.

A tremendously beautiful story. The Master created a situation and showed the whole path. This is DIRECT – showing the path. He showed all that can be shown!

There are only two things different – and similar – between Chess and meditation.

Meditation means being utterly absorbed into something, totally absorbed into something, completely lost. If you are dancing and only the dance remains and the dancer is forgotten, then it is meditation. If you are gambling and only gambling remains and the gambler disappears, then it is meditation.
It can be any activity. Meditation is not averse to any activity. Meditation requires only one thing: be absorbed in it totally, whatsoever it is.
For Zen all that matters is totality, utter concentration, absorbed, lost, drunk into it. So much so that you are not standing behind aloof. This is fundamental.
Chess players enjoy stunning victories, yet they also suffer harsh losses. Getting too bogged down in the lost outcomes can lead to depressing thoughts that will hamper your full potential – leading to a lack of confidence. And while winning can be good for instant gratification, too much happiness can lead to over-confidence.
I tell my students that, for me, Chess and meditation are both the same. Why they would ask?
Because, when I play, all thoughts from my ever-thinking clunky mind, disappear. All that remains are the 64 squares. Thoughts related to business or day to day activities vanish.
That is why many people who see professional players with poker faces, think it is boring because they cannot fathom the deep stillness that every serious chess player feels. But if only they could feel that moment of being there, watching only chess moves analyzed sub-consciously by the brain, they will understand what Chess and meditation are all about, actually. 
Ref: Message from Masters ” Zen: The Path of Paradox, Vol 3 ” – Osho

Interested in a Chess lesson?


Kish Chess MasterHey, I’m Kish Kumar. Over the last two decades, I’ve trained more than 500 students in chess, from India and abroad through online chess classes.

My experience helps me to identify the weak spots in the student’s chess armor, and that is where I provide help in making them reach their personal Milestones in chess.

Many of these students went on to become school champions, district champions, state champions and went on to participate in national and international level chess events having achieved a decent FIDE rating up to 1900-2000 and an online rating of 2300 to 2500. If you want to take private lessons, do drop me a line at kishchess at Gmail dot com.

To know more about online chess classes click here.